A CS master student at ASU seeking ML/AI/DS/SWE Intern opportunity | Machine Learning specialty | Interested in Data Science and Machine Learning field
Photo by Ming Qiu
This project Measures the sentiment of tweets through a polarity scale and variables such as language, ngrams, tweet length, favorite and retweets, followers and statuses, and hashtag usage. Personal Distribution: analyzed and visualized the common used hashtags and the common used words in the text of tweets, research on major vaccine announcement as well as the visualization of the sentiment of the tweets on these days.
Photo by Fakurian Design on Unsplash
This project makes use of backward stepwise feature selection and K Fold Cross Validation to determine the model that performs the best prediction on stroke.
Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash
This project analyzes the relationship between how much is being spent on healthcare (healthcare expenditure) and healthcare coverage and how it changes in certain years, and how the expenditure varies from different regions.